Победата е най-доброто отмъщение

| от chronicle.bg, по quirlycues.com |

Обикновено в подобни истории мъжът иска жената да отслабне. Не и в тази.

Кристи Картър е на 28 години. Дълго време Кристи е имала наднормено тегло, но в един момент решава да се погрижи за себе си. Проблемът, обаче, е в приятеля й – той държи Кристи да остане дебела, за да не се налага той също да отслабва!

Когато Картър започва да сваля килограми, отношенията им се развалят, защото той й завижда, и в крайна сметка двамата се разделят.

Кристи успява да смъкне 70 килограма – 24 с помощта на стомашен байпас, а останалите 46 по класическия начин, с диети и упражнения. Младата дама се е подложила и на операция, с която да отстранят излишната кожа по тялото й, за да изглежда днес така:

I found this little gem in my drawer the other day: my ‘before’ swim suit. Same suit. Just not 100 sizes too small anymore. „In any given moment, we have two options: to step forward into growth, or to step back into safety. Growth must be chosen again and again; fear must be overcome again and again.“ -Abraham Maslow Getting healthy and staying there is a constant battle. A constant fight. It’s a daily choice. You have to learn to embrace and love the struggle. When you do this, your new lifestyle changes become your habits. Your habits help you form the new version of yourself. What is one thing you can change today? What is one small habit you can begin to form to work towards your goals? Happy #transformationtuesday

Снимка, публикувана от Christine Carter (@weightlosshero) на

I’ll never forget the feeling I felt when I took that picture on the left. Feeling lost, broken, and out of control in ALL areas of my life. I knew two things: I would have an amazing transformation and it would be the hardest thing I’ve ever done. What I didn’t know is what happiness like this could feel like. I didn’t know how it would feel to be free from the chains that bound me. I didn’t know the girl I would find along the way. The #1 question I get asked from you guys is how to get motivated. Tomorrow on our weightlosshero show at 3pm, we will come live to you to help you. It’s time to get motivated. It’s time to start. The time is now. Happy #transformationtuesday Снимка, публикувана от Christine Carter (@weightlosshero) на

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